
Optimizing Private Label Orders: How Katoen Natie’s WMS Streamlines Value-Added Services

Customers require agility and efficiency across their supply chains, especially when it comes to private label fulfilment.


In today’s competitive market, customers require agility and efficiency across their supply chains, especially when it comes to private label fulfilment. Katoen Natie is committed to providing innovative solutions that empower our clients to meet these demands. In this article, we discuss a recent project where we utilized our in-house Warehouse Management System (WMS) expertise to enhance private label order processing.

Understanding Private Labels:

Private labels, also known as store brands or own brands, are products manufactured by one company, but sold under another company’s brand. Retailers or wholesalers typically use private labels to offer customers exclusive products that differentiate them from competitors and often provide better profit margins. Managing private label products requires precise handling to ensure correct branding and packaging, making efficient supply chain processes crucial.

Identifying the Challenges:

Traditionally, private label orders involved manual handling, re-boxing, and separate labelling. These processes create several inefficiencies, including:

  • Excessive Packaging Waste: Traditional methods often involve re-boxing every order, regardless of content, leading to unnecessary carton consumption and environmental impact.
  • Bottlenecks and Slow Processing: Manual checks on items and separate labelling processes can create bottlenecks and slow down overall processing times.
  • Inefficient Sorting: The lack of automation in identifying private label needs can result in mixed boxes requiring extra handling in the packing area, further reducing efficiency.

The WMS Solution:

Our team developed a powerful solution within our WMS that empowers the system to pinpoint specific order lines within a larger order requiring additional branding. Here’s how it transforms the process:

  • Precision Identification: The WMS automatically identifies private label items within an order.
  • Automated Sorting: This data is then translated into actionable steps for the conveyor system. Boxes containing these designated items are automatically identified and separated for dedicated Value-Added Services (VAS) processing.
  • Streamlined VAS Area: A dedicated VAS area is equipped to handle these specific requirements efficiently.
  • Intelligent Reintegration: Upon completion of VAS activities, the system seamlessly integrates with the packing process, ensuring accurate sorting and delivery.
An example of a dedicated VAS area


Benefits Realized:

This innovative WMS functionality offers significant advantages for our clients:

    • Reduced Carton Waste: By eliminating unnecessary re-boxing for non-private label items, we can significantly decrease overall carton consumption.
    • Enhanced Efficiency: Automated processes minimize manual intervention and expedite processing times in the VAS area.
    • Improved Accuracy: Automatic identification and sorting ensure private label items receive the correct branding and labelling.


Katoen Natie’s commitment to continuous WMS development empowers us to offer clients efficient and sustainable solutions. This project not only demonstrates our ability to streamline private label processing and reduce waste, but also underscores our dedication to enhancing overall customer satisfaction. This focus on innovation allows us to be a valued partner to leading brands across diverse industries, helping them achieve operational excellence and maintain a competitive edge in the market. Just another way how our people make the difference for our customers.

Reach out to us and speak with an expert today.

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    Optimizing Automotive Logistics: The Power of Katoen Natie’s Inbound Consolidation Platforms
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    The Role of Inbound Consolidation Platforms

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    Katoen Natie’s Expertise in Automotive Logistics

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    Benefits to the Customer

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    Katoen Natie’s expertise in creating and managing Inbound Consolidation Platforms represents a game-changing approach to automotive and industrial logistics. By consolidating components from multiple suppliers into a single, streamlined platform, Katoen Natie ensures that its clients—such as the global compressor manufacturer—can maintain efficient, cost-effective, and high-quality production processes. This specialization not only improves operational efficiency, but also strengthens the manufacturer’s position in the highly competitive automotive market. For further insights and updates on the evolving landscape of Automotive and Industry, let’s stay connected. Thibaut Van den Berghe thibaut.vandenberghe@katoennatie.com Katoen Natie Automotive
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    SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

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    SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

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    SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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    The Journey Ahead

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  • 10.09.24
    How Katoen Natie’s Innovative Software Makes The Difference For Our Customers
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    The Power of Precubing

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    [caption id="attachment_13012" align="alignnone" width="600"] An example of precubing rendering of a container[/caption]   Precubing not only improves our conventional warehouse operations but also empowers us to make data-driven decisions when it comes to parcel and conveying automation. This leads to smarter, more efficient logistics overall.


    Optimizing Every Step of the Process

    Our optimization software doesn’t stop at selecting the best shipping method for each order. It goes a step further by analyzing all the order lines that need to be picked and the dimensions of the final shipments. Here’s how it works:
    1. Efficient Multi-Order Picking Tours: The software allocates orders to picking carts and selects the best combination of orders for each picking tour. This reduces driving distances within the warehouse and optimizes productivity.
    2. Data-Driven Decisions: Using real-time data, our software ensures that every decision—from packing to shipping—is based on the most efficient and cost-effective approach.
    [caption id="attachment_13019" align="alignnone" width="556"] An example of a multiorder picking tour[/caption]  

    Real Results: Boosting Productivity and Reducing Waste

    The introduction of this optimization software has delivered impressive results:
    • Over 10% Improvement in Picking Productivity: Our optimized picking tours have streamlined the process, saving valuable time and effort.
    • 15% Reduction in Shipped Air: By minimizing the amount of air in shipments, we’ve reduced packaging waste and improved sustainability.
    These advancements highlight how innovation can lead to tangible benefits for both our clients and the environment.

    Join the Logistics Revolution with Katoen Natie

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    The Conscious Consumer

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    Digital Transformation in Fashion

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    Sustainability in the apparel industry is no longer optional—it’s essential. As consumer demand for ethical and environmentally friendly products continues to rise, brands that fail to adapt risk being left behind. However, those that embrace sustainability, innovate in materials and processes, and prioritize transparency stand to gain a competitive edge in this evolving market. The road to sustainability in fashion may be challenging, but it is also filled with opportunities for brands that are willing to lead the way. At Katoen Natie, we are committed to supporting your journey with innovative solutions that help you excel in this dynamic industry. For further insights, inquiries, or to discuss how Katoen Natie can support your sustainability journey, let's stay connected. Paul Boterman paul.boterman@katoennatie.com Katoen Natie Apparel, Sport and Leisure
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